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Opportunities of Industrialization

To Help Africa capture opportunities of industrialization remains part of the prosperity vehicles that pilots our vision as an multi-industry and multi-sector Group and consortiums

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AI-Group Inc./Holdings LTD

The core ambition of AI-Group Inc./Holdings LTD is to leverage industry-sector connectivity in order to position Africay.

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Ambitious Initiatives and Flagships

Our ambitious initiatives and flagships intends to help Africa and its business ecosystems access windows of opportunity to become the world's next manufacturing hub for a sustainable, and inclusive growth.

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Modern Economic Growth

Modern economic growth is driven by a continuously per capita income increase for every Africa due to improvement in labor and productivity powered by inclusive and sustainable industrial strategy, actionable policy and enabled and market friendly governance.

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About Ai-Group Inc./Holdings Ltd

The Africa Industrialization Group Inc./Holdings Ltd (aka, AI-Group Inc./Holdings LTD) is a pan-African and global group of consortiums working in Africa and providing world class business solutions and services to our clients’ needs related to multi-sector services, management system designs, research and development.

Corporate Responsibility

Focusing on the continent’s quality infrastructure, AI-Group Inc. promises to use revolutionary technologies and disruptions to fundamentally re-think sustainable solutions for growing demographics.

Priority Industry Sector

Agriculture Sector

For prosperous Africa’s sake, we prioritize people first before the continent. And the people require the urgency of a resilient, sustainable and environmentally secured agro-food chain to improve livelihoods and sanity.

Our Advantage

AI Group Advantages include:

Operational Desk

No matter how complex your business questions and strategic imperatives are, you’ll find the Africa Industrialization Group Incorporated possesses the expertise, capabilities, industry, networking, sector scopes and experience to deliver and achieve measurable, sustainable results. The Group’s core working culture is all about dreaming big and working passionately for achieving goals and making your dreams come true – like an entrepreneur. We are a close-knit family and so we always look out for professionals with good family backgrounds, excellent values, ethics and belief in long term relationships.

Events - Powered by Ai-Group

Legislative Policies & Economic Leadership Retreat

The term Project/Infrastructure typically refers to the technical structures that support a society, such as roads, water supply, sewers, electrical national grids, telecommunications etc. It may be...

African Critical infrastructure security Summit

In Sub-Saharan Africa, poor infrastructure cuts national economic growth by 2 per cent every year and reduces productivity by as much as 40 per cent. Currently, only 38 per cent of African population...

Latest Blog

Technology And Digital Impact

A focus on industrial goods and quality services is bound to promote African industrialization...