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Rongai Chizema

Former Chief Technical Advisor & Head; AIDA Implementation and Coordination Unit – AUDTI, Senior Partner; Accelerated Industrial Development Project

Rongai holds a Masters of Arts Development Economics Degree from Williams College,

Massachusetts, USA, 1995, a Bsc. Honours Economics, 1991, University of Zimbabwe and

a Diploma in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management from UNISA. An accomplished development economist who leverages his diversified portfolio of professional exposure to the financial sector, public sector, industrial, and trade economics research capacity to deliver clientele value.

Rongai has professional experience in excess of 25 years that can be traced back to 1992, which marked the commencement of a reputable career journey that started off with a footprint in Zimbabwe Treasury as an Economist, and beyond who’s capacity has straddled across the quasi – public sector (trade and investment advisory); financial sector (commercial, merchant/ investment banking and central banking); and civil society (NGOs, INGOs [WB, UNDP, UNECA], and regional bodies [SADC, COMESA, EAC, & Africa Union Commission]) to date.

He has been able to provide consultancy capacity that has had a positive bearing on public sector management, business, financial, corporate strategy and enterprise development in Zimbabwe as well as in the SADC, COMESA, EAC region, and Africa Union. He formerly served ss the Chief Technical Advisor to the Department of Trade and Industry of the African Union covering the Industry Portfolio. His focus was driving cutting edge strategic initiatives to accelerate structural transformation in Africa as the continent seeks to ramp up manufacturing value addition to supply the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) market and beyond.

Independently, Rongai shares knowledge base solutions working with AI-Group Inc. on private sector led and industry sector management, corporate strategy and enterprise development, amongst other programming frames of the Group. These duties and responsibility align with aspiration of firm on public/private sector collaboration.

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