Corporate Responsibility

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Dreams and Ambitions

The World is moving in a fast pace; the curves are not favouring Africa or positioning her into global leadership. Facts are facts, the world will not halt for Africa to tag along. As an industry, new and ready to play in the field of champions, we a pan-African industry sector player have resolve to position ourselves not only for the challenges of today, but to also address problems that we can’t yet see over the horizon. The longterm African programming frame signals this horizon and the opportunities it offers.”

– Carl Oshodi-Isibor, Group CEO

Focusing on the continent’s quality infrastructure, AI-Group Inc. promises to use revolutionary technologies and disruptions to fundamentally re-think sustainable solutions for growing demographics. Public-private sector stakeholders must ensure industrialization, nutritious food, healthcare systems, quality infrastructure, good governance and a robust market is more accessible, available and affordable to everyone on the continent, with value added disruptions and advantages.

Since the establishment of the Africa Industrialization Group Inc., we have been venturing into new investments in research, development, innovations and technology solutions in the agro-value addition services, such as promoting dietary patterns and yields high in protective foods – such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains – that are critical to nourishing a growing population in a sustainable manner. Accordingly, these foods, which protect us from disease when consumed at optimal quantities, are currently under-consumed.

Milestone Tracking: We evaluate the success of our direct contributions to Africa Industrialization Group Inc.’s diverse program goals by monitoring the uptake of our ideas through follow-on investments by others and the enhancement of our reputation and relevance in new topic areas.

Leveraging Networks: Increasingly, continent-wide industry sector change is accomplished by helping to bring diverse sector groups together to harness the power of cross-cutting comparative and competitive advantages to shape agendas and mobilize resources. We continually, as an emerging industry firm see the need to grow our convening power and expand our network of partners to help realize goals, whose ambition exceeds the resources we will directly control.

Empowering Future Relevance: There is constant growth in African industry sector and acceleration of resources that are devoted to socioeconomic impact. Our voice as an Industry Group will be most influential when we lead early efforts to signal, design and frame solutions to a problem, thus guiding the eventual solution. Having foresight into what’s next before others helps the AI-Group Inc. influence agendas and help shape opportunities for future pan-African investment ahead of any tangible socioeconomic curve.

Corporate Governance Excellence: As an entity, the AI-Group is a multi-portfolio ready investment and policy consulting firm. We are targeting the implementation of a corporate governance excellence and culture, spelt in our strategic enterprise and rules of engagement between us, our clients and the African continent. Developing a suitable system of corporate governance is an important priority for Africa. Corporate governance is largely underdeveloped on the continent – outside particular pockets – but the emerging system reflects a mix of universal and distinctly African elements.

Quality and Standard Assurance: We give special focus to quality assurance systems – which is the collections of policies, procedures, and practices for achieving and maintaining quality – that are critical to ensuring the relevance and effectiveness of business and management education in Africa. We are established to open more space to stakeholders with a central objective to enable all practitioners within the continent assess high-quality experience in businesses, standard best practices and programs through the comprehensive range of consultancy services our experts offer.

The adoption of global quality measures and assurance systems is needed to ensure that the quality business institutions and services offers across the continent is of highest standard. For this reason, we support institutions like ARSO, ASG-QA – HAQAA Initiative and other relevant bodies to jointly design an African peculiar best practice culture. Hence, the AI-Groups Inc. takes seriously an integrative framework of Pan-African quality standards, which we and our partners are proposing to help design.

Investment and Corporate Linkages: We focus on growing level linkages between small and Multinational Corporations. As large firms, globalization has generated both markets and new competitive forces. Constant pressure to reduce costs, shorten lead times, and focus on core competencies has driven firms to change their supply chain management strategies. Most large manufacturing companies now buy significant percentage of their inputs of both goods and services from other sector firms, with some spending as much as half of their revenues this way. Managing the supply chain for an optimal mix of cost, quality, flexibility, and strategic advantage (such as access to innovation) is becoming an increasingly important source of competitive advantage.

More than ever before, companies realize that it is good business to share benefits with their communities, especially in spaces they operate. Enabling small, local firms to support goods and services to larger enterprises and corporation creates more efficient supply chains. At the same time, it maximizes development benefits by helping growing industry related companies to be efficient, aspire, collaborate and create smart and decent jobs.

Business Strategy – Driving Profit: The African continent is buzzing with potentials. Rich in natural resources, a hardworking population, and huge gaps and opportunities for anyone who wants to succeed in business. The priorities to empower small, leading and established industry sector firms, is above all else the key commitment of the Africa Industrialization Group Inc., to drive, pilot, sail and navigate industry sector growth, prosperity, inclusiveness and collaboration in Africa

Public and Private Sector Priority: Our Best Practice mandate seeks to champion Africa’s growth – a set of corporate and investment best practice principles that benchmark and guide how the continent’s multinationals and companies can champion accelerated industrial transformation and integration in ways that positively impact communities and people.

Through our Research, Benchmarking & Knowledge-sharing, we work with multiple industry knowledge partners and institutions committed to commission and sponsor research into market and policy forces impacting AI-Group Inc. and its daughter companies.

Fueling Disruptive Ambition: AI-Group’s ambition is centered on prioritizing Global and Regional Value Chain – focusing on Disruption Industry Technology – Factory, Robotics and Machine; moving the broadest marketplace away from Asia, Europe and America to Africa. This will be achieved through our “Rethinking Industrial Revolution in Africa” project. We are committed to ensuring that Africa’s multinationals extend their influence beyond the shores of Africa, fueling disruptive ambitions to grow the continent into recognized global giants, capable of shaping world economy. AI-Group Inc. is ambitious, because we prioritize indigenous quality infrastructure with a focus on disruptive and innovative technology (block chain technology, etc.) to rebrand, reshape and recoil Africa’s economic transformation.

Core Priorities

Business Growth Strategy

Dream >> Strategize >> Action Plan >> Grow

We help you identify attractive growth opportunities for your business and help you define and build focused growth strategies to grab these opportunities for business growth.

How we help you Grow

Market Intelligence >> Strategy >> Execution Plan >> Action

We provide your firm business and market intelligence and best practices, strategize your growth plans, make you focused and work on your business growth. We help you identify and concentrate on the most attractive growth opportunities, both inside and outside of your organization, for your business.

Identify your strategic growth opportunities

For every company there are multiple opportunities available for growth: you can enter new markets, increase market share, or expand into new geographies. We help you identify the right opportunities that are worth pursuing in line with your organization strengths and external market dynamics.

Develop strategies to seize growth opportunities

For every identified growth opportunity there could be multiple ways and paths to follow. We work together with you and assess these options by building a better understanding of your products, your customers, identifying areas of innovation, and looking at opportunities to work on the suitable areas. We help you develop the most suitable strategies

Formulate and implement growth plan

We develop a detailed roadmap to guide your growth plans, incorporating strategic and organizational crucial things. We help you formulate and also implement your growth plan while working closely with your management and working level teams.

We are different... We add Value

Expertise >> Active Involvement >> Discipline >> Value addition

Our Expert Management Consulting team members gets involved actively on your growth projects, they work hands-in-hands with your team members in disciplined manner and add value to your business.

We go deeper and walk extra mile

We look hard at your existing operations and markets to spot every opportunity to grow before moving into new ways of working and new market areas. Our Business and Market Intelligence division help you to get the market and competitor information. We apply advanced analytics tools to this market information and spot right growth opportunities.

We bring dedication and discipline

We help you achieve sustainable and profitable growth. Sustainable and Profitable growth always requires dedication and discipline. We bring a disciplined approach while defining your growth strategy and selecting growth opportunities, so that you pursue only strategic growth opportunities which will help you for achieving sustainable and profitable business growth.

We generate Innovative and creative ideas

Whether it is improving any process, improving manufacturing operations, understanding your customers better, or finding value propositions for business growth, there is no replacement for innovation and creativity. Our expert management consultants would help you look at your situation differently and help you build culture of innovation and creativity.

We Help You Grow

We are your growth partners. We help you right from formulating your growth strategy to smooth execution of defined strategy. We help you in improving your processes, operations, products and people performance. We are always there with you; we work hand-in-hand with your execution team and walk with you during your growth journey. We are committed for your business growth and We Help You Grow

AI-Group Inc. Holding LTD industry management consulting division and its partners have expertise, and support clients under its customized management Consulting services in the following industry segments:

  • Industrial System Design
  • Manpower Development
  • Project Management Technology
  • Industrial Investment, general resources market, trade information systems