Facilitate a comprehensive strengthening of national and regional infrastructure development.

Escalate dialogues and knowledge sharing on the significance of safeguarding national and regional infrastructure security architecture, strategy and synergies





+234 (706) 806 6810

At the May 2024 African Critical Infrastructure Security Summit, Training and Tours, participants will review the case study of Turkish Infrastructure governance, and deepen inter-agency cooperation and synergies to secure critical infrastructure roadmap for the Future

The crucial ambition of the ACRIS initiative is powered by the “African Critical Infrastructure and Industrial Management Group” – a pan-African consortium and daughter company of the Africa Industrialization Group Inc. with a mandate to research, invest and conduct cross-border capabilities, exclusively for Infrastructure and Industry management sector.

Below are some of the fielded thematic for the May 2024 ACRIS program:

  1. Focus on emerging challenges African top security leaders face
  2. Develop and equip stakeholders with technologies and governance tools to deployed towards influencing solutions, often beyond their formal authority
  3. It Improve co-working, impact-driven and information sharing collaboration opportunities among national and regional critical infrastructure authorities and organizations to foster unity of purpose for the protection of investment and people.
  4. Become an ecosystem that will constantly review cross-border capabilities, emerging threats, implementation strategies and best practices across MDAs.
  5. Prepare private sector professionals and government officials to better understand contemporary and emerging needs for infrastructure secures to position Africa as a leader in global marketplace and economy.
  6. Interview top level critical infrastructure security personalities from Africa.
  7. Circumnavigate skills and policy simulations, empowering security personnel and infrastructure managers from public and private sector institutions with the right information and best practice on how Africa can recover from the current economic crises through infrastructure development and technology lens
  8. Learn valuable lessons, build cross-border capabilities, empower an infrastructure resilient framework, foster unity, and deepen intra-Africa and inter-agency synergies to become more proactive.


Ultimately, the overall ambitions of the ACRIS Summit, Training and Tours programming is aimed at jumpstarting Africa’s readiness for a post-COVID-19 economic recovery, which is to prioritize critical infrastructure technology and cross-border capabilities to support efficiency of government officials whose sole mandate is to secure public infrastructure, as well as private sector industry facility and asset operators, investors and managers.